I’ve had a lifelong interest in astrology and wanted to start a site where people could learn and understand the practical application in everyday life.

I work and live in the wonderful Tri-State Area (NY, NJ, CT) and have a wonderful husband, two teen girls, and a crazy mutt. My day job isn’t related to astrology, but for the last 15 years or so (off and on) I have studied with a great teacher in New York City. He taught me that astrology is both an art and a science, and gave me the rules to keep me grounded while my mind wanders to ‘but what does it all mean?!’ The name of the site actually was inspired by him. He once told me that your horoscope was a map of the soul that contained all the potential for this life, as well the lives of those closest to you. (Try not to have your mind blown by that nugget of wisdom!)

I fully believe in the validity of astrology, and it’s my goal to share what I find interesting about different charts, not force my beliefs on anyone. I’ve also created a few pages that give some basic information about planets, signs and house, which I hope are helpful if you’re new to astrology.

This has been an exciting project and it has connected me with many wonderful people. A few were generous enough to share their feedback on recent readings I provided, which is included below. Please feel free to reach out and let me know your thoughts on the site or want to connect about a reading: soulmapastrology@gmail.com



I was so lucky to discover Andrea’s work during a truly difficult moment of my life, the so called “midlife crisis”. Her interpretation of my transits at that time were eye and heart opening, providing me with the needed clarity around what was happening and why. Plus, the 17 pages birth chart analysis she’s done, has allowed me to understand myself better and get insights into my psyche, my pain points and my strengths, while indicating a general direction for my career, which now, one year later, is being confirmed. Simply amazing!
— B. I., Romania
The stars were aligned for me to connect with Andrea, which I did immediately after reading her impressive in-depth natal chart analysis of a celebrity who shares many of my same placements. Until that point, I was using familiar free web engines, which do give certain general helpful information, but tend to lack individualized details. I approached Andrea with certain questions, gave her a brief synopsis about myself, and hoped the stars of my chart would light her way. She was very agreeable, stating that astrology is her passion, which is obvious. What I received was about 25 pages of the most insightful, personalized reading I could have hoped for, which identified things Andrea could never know. And she discovered an unusual YOD configuration I was not aware of, but her translation of its significance resonates well with my life. I’m very grateful our internet paths crossed! Anyone seeking an extensive individualized astrological interpretation will never regret hiring Andrea to aid them in their quest.
— D. H., Delaware, USA
I would say that this has been the most thorough and disciplined/scientific insight on chart reading that I’ve seen. It’s been the best corresponding with you, and I’ve learned so much about my chart, my capabilities, and of course, about astrology as a whole! I would definitely recommend getting a reading, and I already have to curious friends. I’ll always be grateful for taking a chance and asking for a reading because now I can map out all the ways I can handle myself and the growth I have to go through.
— Y. M., Philippines